Feature Enhancements

Opt-in marketing: The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office said it best when explaining the importance of consent under the GDPR:

“Genuine consent should put individuals in control, build trust and engagement, and enhance your reputation.”

Here at Lightspeed, we are compliant and supportive of genuine consent and believe that the change towards “opt-in” marketing in your Retail account will only foster more customer loyalty. The same is true for our Omnichannel merchants with newsletter subscribers in their eCom store. If a customer is opting in or out in eCom, their preferred contact method (or right to not be contacted) is updated in Retail to ensure consistency across all channels. EMID-1480, CLD-16950

As for your employees, they’ll also benefit from genuine “opt-in” consent by being able to clearly tailor how they’d like to hear about Lightspeed Retail’s software updates and important messages. CLD-17578

For more information on how to select/deselect your customers’ and employees’ preferred contact method in your Retail account, please see our below Retail Help articles. If you’re an Omnichannel merchant, we’ve also included additional information where necessary.


Country and region settings: Throughout your Retail account, you may have noticed that the country and region fields have been redesigned. But don’t be fooled by the pretty new country flags and drop-downs! There’s more to them than meets the eye. For our Retail merchants, you’ll benefit from field names and selections that are localized to your country (e.g. Zip Code and State vs. Postal Code and Province for our American merchants). For our Omnichannel merchants, these redesigned fields are a big step towards improving the consistency of country and region settings between your Retail account and eCom store.  CLD-16253